Welcome to

our Community


2024, in with the NEW….and improved!  If you’re here, you’re experiencing our new POPNA.ORG website!

We designed it to be user-friendly and easy to navigate.  We’ll keep it fresh and updated with the latest neighborhood happenings, so check back often for news and events

What we offer

What’s going on now

Become a Member

Membership in POPNA benefits both you and the neighborhood! Being a member gives you access to social events that build our community, and much more!

Report a Crime

Click here to find resources for reporting and prevention of crimes and security concerns, including resources for lost/found pets.

Discover the Community

Click below to see some of our community programming and ways to get involved!

Welcome To Our Community!

POPNA is a neighborhood organization that represents the neighborhood of Prestonwood On the Park Estates. The borders are Hillcrest, Belt Line, La Cosa, and Meandering Way. Our mandate is to take care of the creek and provide social settings for neighbors to get together. We also offer communication apparatus for lost pets, neighborhood news, and crime watch with an active VIP, greetings for new neighbors, and condolences for families who have suffered a loss. We live here with you. We care about our neighborhood and we want you to be a part of our community and feel at home!

What we do!


We have a Creek Captain and host creek clean up days regularly. Come join us to keep our shared space beautiful!

Crime Prevention

As noted above, we have crime prevention and safety resources to keep our neighborhood safe. Please reach out if you are interested in helping this cause.

Community Advocacy

Our POPNA leadership and members have been involved in community advocacy, including interfacing with our elected city officials, traffic studies, and surrounding development discussions.

Social Events

We recently hosted a muffins & mimosas event to get the community together for a catch-up and planning session.

Yard of the Month

We have a yard captain who seeks out beautiful front landscapes to reward those that work hard on their outdoor space!

Community Building

Joining POPNA, bookmarking this webpage, and following along on our social media platforms is the best way to meet neighbors and become involved. We hope to see you soon!